I sent this as a rating, but I feel strongly enough about it to post as its own comment. If you don't want an opinionated review, don't click "read more."
Aside from the h-game angle, which I have basically nothing negative to say about (it's either excellent or clearly still being worked on), this is a surprisingly robust translation of Poke gameplay into the Ren'Py engine, but there are still a couple nagging issues holding it back. Obviously some things aren't feasible, since this is already an ambitious project as-is, but some are, and those are what I have to talk about.
These are the main things that keep me from wanting to play the game without cheats; I really do want to play this game as intended, but these things just can't be overlooked, and I have to use the cheat mode to not be actively frustrated or drained while playing because of them.
Mainly, it's just the lack of exp. share. Switch training isn't fun in a normal Poke game, and doing it in a slower engine without button controls is significantly less fun. If you really wanted to be a purist to the earlier Poke games, having it be an item only one 'mon can use would be fine, but I think the modern version that applies to the whole team is just better for this format. I'd also like for experience to be dynamic like it is in Poke - leveling up after beating each 'mon rather than at the end of the battle - but I'm also not a Ren'Py expert and this could be a much harder request than I think it is, so feel free to ignore it.
Next, I think the base exp gain should be bumped up a little. I understand wanting to be faithful to the source material, but Ren'Py runs slower than even the slowest Poke games (because it needs to, I assume), so since making the game faster isn't an option, increasing the reward so the player still gets the same result from the same amount of time invested seems like a fair compromise.
I also think the dating sim aspect could be ramped up a bit, but since that isn't based on anything and I'm already suggesting speeding up other parts of the game, I'm fine with that staying as is.
Other than those (somewhat significant) gripes, this is an incredibly impressive project that you should feel proud of. I'm excited to see where this goes from here.
Adding onto, i feel like the EXP is def too slow. tried running a kanto start but leveling took forever and the only way to increase it is through satisfaction. Adding to, that EXP bonus only goes up to 1.5X, and is slow to get satisfaction at the current speed of the game. To get satisfaction, you gotta do the H-Scenes, but to raise the hearts on a character, you gotta battle them weekly, talk to them daily, and give them a favorite pokemon. The main problem about those, in my experience, is that nights last forever, so you end up stuck on the same day for a while. Since youre stuck on the same day, you cant talk to them daily to raise their hearts, and then weeks take so much longer to pass so you also cant battle them frequently enough to get to the H-Scenes soon enough.
Since the EXP is so slow, you cant progress into new areas unless youre constantly abandoning your teams for new mons, as switch training is atrocious with the EXP rates. I'm currently trying a 10X exp 5x cash run with cheats. It feels a bit fast, but it does flow a bit better as I can actually do stuff.
i look in the first 3 region but i can't find the elemental stone to evolve certain pokemon is somebody know where i can find them and where i can revive the fossil
for the elite four i don't know but for traveling to the other region i just discovert it and it's not that hard if you start kanto for exemple you can go to saffron at any time take the train to jotho and if you go to oilivine i think you can go to hoen or sinoh so you just have to check every city
Needs a quick scene with female grunts when you beat them. No incentive to bother fighting grunts since you can farm elsewhere and their difficulty varies, would be more fun to sex female grunts as a reward (and help build satisfaction earlier on cuz rn playing without cheats just feels like a pointless challenge, takes ages to fuck someone)
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This one good but i hope they updated it more faster such a new evo and pokemon and new scene
This shi too fun that i forgot this is a hentai game
How to i get hm Cut and surf maybe the other at the moment i just need cut and surf
I sent this as a rating, but I feel strongly enough about it to post as its own comment. If you don't want an opinionated review, don't click "read more."
Aside from the h-game angle, which I have basically nothing negative to say about (it's either excellent or clearly still being worked on), this is a surprisingly robust translation of Poke gameplay into the Ren'Py engine, but there are still a couple nagging issues holding it back. Obviously some things aren't feasible, since this is already an ambitious project as-is, but some are, and those are what I have to talk about.
These are the main things that keep me from wanting to play the game without cheats; I really do want to play this game as intended, but these things just can't be overlooked, and I have to use the cheat mode to not be actively frustrated or drained while playing because of them.
Mainly, it's just the lack of exp. share. Switch training isn't fun in a normal Poke game, and doing it in a slower engine without button controls is significantly less fun. If you really wanted to be a purist to the earlier Poke games, having it be an item only one 'mon can use would be fine, but I think the modern version that applies to the whole team is just better for this format. I'd also like for experience to be dynamic like it is in Poke - leveling up after beating each 'mon rather than at the end of the battle - but I'm also not a Ren'Py expert and this could be a much harder request than I think it is, so feel free to ignore it.
Next, I think the base exp gain should be bumped up a little. I understand wanting to be faithful to the source material, but Ren'Py runs slower than even the slowest Poke games (because it needs to, I assume), so since making the game faster isn't an option, increasing the reward so the player still gets the same result from the same amount of time invested seems like a fair compromise.
I also think the dating sim aspect could be ramped up a bit, but since that isn't based on anything and I'm already suggesting speeding up other parts of the game, I'm fine with that staying as is.
Other than those (somewhat significant) gripes, this is an incredibly impressive project that you should feel proud of. I'm excited to see where this goes from here.
Adding onto, i feel like the EXP is def too slow. tried running a kanto start but leveling took forever and the only way to increase it is through satisfaction. Adding to, that EXP bonus only goes up to 1.5X, and is slow to get satisfaction at the current speed of the game. To get satisfaction, you gotta do the H-Scenes, but to raise the hearts on a character, you gotta battle them weekly, talk to them daily, and give them a favorite pokemon. The main problem about those, in my experience, is that nights last forever, so you end up stuck on the same day for a while. Since youre stuck on the same day, you cant talk to them daily to raise their hearts, and then weeks take so much longer to pass so you also cant battle them frequently enough to get to the H-Scenes soon enough.
Since the EXP is so slow, you cant progress into new areas unless youre constantly abandoning your teams for new mons, as switch training is atrocious with the EXP rates. I'm currently trying a 10X exp 5x cash run with cheats. It feels a bit fast, but it does flow a bit better as I can actually do stuff.
Felt super slow even with a 3x multiplier from cheating/satisfaction points
How do you get fly and evolution stones?
Where can i find megastones?
i look in the first 3 region but i can't find the elemental stone to evolve certain pokemon is somebody know where i can find them and where i can revive the fossil
Fossils is most likely found on pokemons wearing bones. I found 1 on a Vullaby
Evolution Stones are found in wild, according to the release. I found a shiny stone on a shiny (and most likely only on shiny pokemons)
I have no clue but my peliper holds a fossil
Its being revived in a southeast lab in kalos
And add masterbating options and add sex toy for female in secret shop
Bro in next update you should add Alola region
How do i unlock the other regions and fuck the elite four, lorelei and karen
for the elite four i don't know but for traveling to the other region i just discovert it and it's not that hard if you start kanto for exemple you can go to saffron at any time take the train to jotho and if you go to oilivine i think you can go to hoen or sinoh so you just have to check every city
How do i evolve a Graveler into Golem? and a Kirlia into Gallade?
The H scene of version 0.7 has become PPT.
It kinda long to lv up and hard to find new H scene. Any tips everyone??
Look like Team Rocket has new leader because i can't fight Giovanni after defeat all Team Rocket commander?
I waiting for it
very good
How I can evolve scyther ?
scyther dont have evolution only mega
has finally been updated
Bruh how to even fight and catch the legendary birds, I just get blown away each time
The game is good but sometimes it freezes and the only way to fix it is to close the game thus losing all progress, kinda really annoying ngl
Needs a quick scene with female grunts when you beat them. No incentive to bother fighting grunts since you can farm elsewhere and their difficulty varies, would be more fun to sex female grunts as a reward (and help build satisfaction earlier on cuz rn playing without cheats just feels like a pointless challenge, takes ages to fuck someone)
For real, at least after we defeat them and 50% everytime because some enemies have high level pokemon.
Pretty fun game so far, but every now and then while fishing, I'll get an error and the game will crash.
Guy I need help, how can I dive did I need anything????
Try different water type pokemon
No update, it seems that this game has been abandoned.
Check Patreon, last post was on October fifth, however, I think there are no plans to release 0.5 or 0.6 public any time soon.
Is there any chance to release 0.5 and 0.6 in future.?
How do you get to the city in the top right corner? It's the last one I need and I can't find a way to progress it. On the public v0.4 to be specific.
When is the public release of v0.5 and v0.6
Umm who is the strongest Pokemon that I can get?
Ken we have sex whit our pokemon?
does anyone know if you can fuck pokemon in 0.4
and if yeah how
No u can't fuck them in 0.4