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has wiki?

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Just came across this and felt so nostalgic! But with that adult twist! I will definitely support you on patreon, just my feedback is on the lewd animations with cleaning up a bit and get wilder with them lol.  But you got another subscriber now! :D


I have no idea if this game has an XP share, I'm fairly far into it and haven't come across anything like that, also having no healing items really makes this fairly difficult at times


especially against the elite four as you cant leave to go heal otherwise you have to start over.


Does greninja have an evolution?


greninja is the end of the evolution line. (Froakie -> Frogadier -> Greninja)

Not what I ment I was on abt ash-greninja it's kinda like mega


Well, technically it's not really cannon

To the main series or the games?

it is a thing in the games, it just requires a special ability that's hard to get unless you get the special gift event froakie


Actually ur wrong you can claim a greninja with the ability in the sun and moon demo and can trade it to the full game

(5 edits) (+3)

good game so far

a few issues that i noticed though...
1. flying is immune to ground that is correct so far but certain moves still have their additional effects apply even though the target is immune:
sand attack and mud slap both reduce accuracy of flying pokemon  and bulldoze reduces speed even though it says "doesnt affect"...
same for nuzzle on ground pokemon. my larvitar just got nuzzled into paralysis despite the "doesnt affect".
2. spore moves work on grass pokemon somehow...
3. evolution stones cant be used...
4. y no legendaries? even if u didnt implement the static encounters you could add them so players can use them in cheat mode
5. hilda repeats her dialogue when selecting the lenny face option.
6. switching out pokemon doesnt seem to reset debuffs. still missing like crazy after accuracy drop and switching out and back in. same for effect like curse! switching out does not get rid of it!
7. paralysis seems to have a too high trigger rate. 80% of the paralyzed turns my pokemon cant move. one time i had it that paralysis triggered 5 turns in a row (from when it was applied until it wore off)
8. PP gets used even if your pokemon cant move (sleep, paralysis, frozen)


btw really love the persona velvet room music in the dev room. one of my fav OST from persona series.


I ran into some of those problems as well, 1, 2 and 6 specifically. As for 3, evolution stones do work, but differently. You have to have the Pokémon hold the stone, then level it up. It should evolve then. 

i tried that with the stones as soon as i noticed u cant use them. but still... u have an inventory. could just make the items usable there. or add a menu item for the pokemon above the "give item" named "use item". currently the inventory menu has no use other than showing what items u have.

What's the ID code of each Pokemon from the cheat menu? I tried it but don't know the ID code of pokemons and there's always a saying script error. Is these a code for that?


its just the pokedex number... check bulbapedia or something similar to get the national dex # of the pokemon u want. also there are no legendaries in this game. check the ingame pokedex if the number u wanna enter has an entry before attempting the cheat.


Pretty good so far, can't wait to see more poke girls, maybe some on the older OLDER side ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


u wanna screw agatha be honest


based if true


prof. oak failed her so she gotta turn towards a younger more active man

Will there be cheats introduced to the game?

already has a cheat menu if u select "just for fun" instead of normal mode


When 0.4 update will be available to public???

already is. check the download section.
este es solo un archivo del lanzador,  el .rar/.zip tiene mas.

virus total detecta 50 cosas maliciosas en esto, no creo que sea coincidencia


is there a way to view scenes after you've viewed them for the first time?


Cheat codes?

opa eai amigo, (i'm from brazil), para usar cheats e necessário você primeiro colocar no cheat mode, ainda quando você começa  a jogar, você tem a opção, ou jogar normal, ou no cheat Mode, e logo depois de você colocar esse modo, logo encima em sua tela aparecerá a opção "cheats", depois é só clicar nela, e escolher oque você quer, você pode pegar moedas pokemons e entre mais.

if u start the game in "fust for fun" mode instead of "normal mode" u get a cheat menu.


Alguien me puede decir como desbloquear las escenas de sexo ? Llevo como 2 horas jugando y no se como :(

pd: independiente de ser un juego +18 es divertido 


olá cara, sou brasileiro(from brazil) e darei uma breve explicação aqui pra você, bem, as cenas sexo são liberadas quando você possui intimidade com as personagens, não sei se você reparou, mas sempre que você fala com uma personagem, ela possui um coração, e aquele coração sinaliza a sua intimidade com ela, quando ele ficar na cor roxa/ou/rosa significa que você alcançou o máximo de intimidade, e a partir desse momento, você já desbloqueia as cenas, para ganhar intimidade voce poder batalhar com elas, dar presentes, e até mesmo falar, só existem algumas personagens que não é possível fazer relações ainda, porém só basta seguir esse texto que te passei, aliás, todas as personagens da primeira ilha(exceto mist) já pode fazer relações, tchau cara, espero que tenha entendido. 😁


no hablo portugues pero entendi

Menos mal que el español y el portugués se parecen


si xd


question will you add some Pokémon to do stuff with like gardevior or will you only do the humans of the Pokémon world?


A List of all the aviable content would be nice to make sure you don't miss any when playing it. Either just as the developtment post or as a character tracker in game. 


How he got the surf movement, with which pokemon and at what level is achieved because I have stayed the medal number 11.


Surfer can be used by several Pokemon, that live in the water. They don't need to know the surfer attack.

Some Pokemon need to evolve to carry you on the water.


Does the bike have any function yet?

Why is a level 11 butterfree at 5hp so hard to capture with a basic pokeball?

It feels pointless to even buy basic pokeballs, when the only things they can catch is a pidgey or a rattata.

Mabye a greatball or ultraball will suffice, but damn man that felt like shit to experince more than twice.


Honestly, I feel some pokemon are just hard to catch at any hp.

Sometimes I only buy normal pokeballs.


Is it possible to transfer a save from v0.2 to v0.3

Android version works very fine. Just don't minimize the app and save the game regularely.


O save vai ser compatível na próxima versão? É bom ter eles todos nível 100 e conquistar as coisas por si mesmo, mas jogar sem cheats pra na próxima versão não ser compatível é muito triste...


how do I use the cheat codes? im on mobile


Mano eu nao sei conquistar algumas garotas de ginazio e a madrugada ,serema ,mist ,Jessie e a garota dos bandidos alguem sabe se è bug? Ou nao tem ainda no jogo


opa eai querido, cara, assim, eu não sou nada especialista nesse jogo, porém, notei uma coisa nele que talvez responda tua pergunta, você sabe que no jogo tem meio que um "coração" sempre que você fala com uma personagem e ele representa o vínculo que você possui com ela né? em lugares como a outra ilha sem ser a de alola que nois vamos, nenhuma mulher dos ginásios possuem esse coração, e meio que ele que indica quando você pode ter relações com a personagem, e meio que isso indica que elas ainda estão "indisponíveis", e sobre a questão da equipe rocket, elas ainda não estão disponíveis no jogo, mas o coração que sinaliza a sua intimidade com ela existe, não entendo pq, e as treinadoras todas tem esse coração, porém eu só sei que você realmente pode ter relação so com 2, e aliás, você só pode ter realmente relação com elas, quando elas possuem casas, eu só conheço casa de 2 porém não sei se existe mais, e a misty está indisponível temporariamente , aliás a senera se eu não me engano você pode sim, ela possui uma casa naquela última ilha dps de alola, e lá você consegue, eu acho que é ela, não me lembro bem. Tchau meu querido, espero ter ajudado!😁


How many gym leaders are there? I can only find 14.


Who's the strongest trainer and where are they?

Some areas will unlock with time. The strongest trainer depends on which pokemon you are using. The toughest opponent ist probably on the alola island.

Thank yous


Cant wait for more versions of this to drop.  Keep up the good work!

(1 edit) (+1)

how to use the evolution stones? Cause just giving one to the pokemon doesnt work.

I am on android version.


You need to level up with a pokemon holding the right stone. And probably need to reach a certain level I guess.


Are you planning to put all 1010 pokemon from all generations that will be the best upcoming update...

Thanks for puting Rosa in this, she's the best poke girl. Keep developing this please it's been fun. I can't get the traveling trainers to get stronger in this current version though.


Im not saying camerupt is busted, but it has decimated a majority of the gyms, camerupt mvp

(1 edit) (+3)

Hello! I want to report a bug in the game. When I defeat a wild Pokémon or a trainer it always gives me the same amount of money 100 to be exact, the text may say that I have won 300 for winning but it will always give me the same amount of money. Someone else happens? ':(

getting the same bug


I think you may have accidentally given Salazzle the wrong moveset. Salazzle has:

Splash (Lvl = 1), Crunch (Lvl = 21), Aqua Tail (Lvl = 29), Hurricane (Lvl = 37), Hydro Pump (Lvl = 47), and Hyper Beam (Lvl = 57).

Which is actually the same moveset that Gyarados can gain through level up.


You're right. ty for the report.

How do I get the add Pokémon Cheat to work?


Look in the pokedex for the id number. Then add the required level and it will be either added to your party or in the pc.

how do i get things to gift


Some towns have a PokeMart to buy gifts


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